Friday Feb 21, 2025 Saturday Feb 22, 2025
Big River Bowling, Davenport Saturday, February 22 - 1 - 4 pm Saturday, February 22 - 5 - 8 pm TBK Bank Sports Complex, Bettendorf Friday, February 21 - 5:30 - 8:30 pm Friday, February 21 - 9 pm - Midnight Saturday, February 22 - 9 am - Noon Saturday, February 22 - 1 - 4 pm - SOLD OUT Saturday, February 22 - 5 - 8 pm
Where: Big River Bowling and TBK Bank Sports Complex
pay the $75 registration fee and fundraise a minimum of $300 in pledges
McKenzy DeJaynes
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How it works: 1. Recruit a team of five bowlers 2. Reserve your lanes and pay the $75 registration fee 3. As a team, fundraise a minimum of $300 in pledges to support local JA students 4. Check out Qgiv for online fundraising 5. Arrive on the day of the event and have fun bowling and supporting JA